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Why We Do It - What Drives Us

Driven by our Clients
The habit of allowing our clients to lead us ahead is in our DNA.

The truth is, we’d never have started the company if it wasn’t for the case studies and testimonials that came back from that small group of early adopters who liked our unconventional thinking and were willing to try something different. Their success was too hard to ignore and made it impossible to not build a business around our radical ideas. Most days, we’re thankful we listened.

On a mission
We're very clear on our Vision and our Mission, as well as the Values that guide and define us. They shape our products and services, and lie at the foundation of every action and decision we take. We're happy to share them with anyone who's interested.

A different take on CSR
When most people think about Corporate Social Responsibility, they think about initiatives companies take to ‘green up’, reduce their footprint and to find meaningful ways to give back to the communities in which they operate. They don’t usually think about their staffing process as a CSR initiative. But we do.

Think about it… the prices we all pay when people are in the wrong job, or stuck in an environment that is wrong for them. We’ve been in that situation in the course of our careers; odds are you have too. Think about the stress you felt, the wasted energy, the lost productivity. Perhaps it washed into your personal life, straining relationships – or worse.

Fact is, the traditional approach to hiring gets it wrong far more often than it gets it right… resulting in an epidemic of disengagement, apathy and waste. It’s a pretty heavy footprint that directly impacts people and communities.

We’re changing lives. So say people our clients have hired when they finally found the right place to work and contribute.

If you’re thinking about CSR, think of us as your quiet stand for a better world.

How we choose to give back
Our team have chosen a variety of things that are meaningful to them; we’re proud to support them in making a difference in the community:

Video: Knowledge Chain Reaction

chartWhen organizations begin to understand the determinants of fit in their environment, that new knowledge naturally cascades into every area of workforce management, often explaining (and providing the ...

Download the 7 secrets for HiringSmartER
What makes us different?
Join us for coffee (live presentation)