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Paving the Road to Success... with Better People.

The “Before” Picture

In the summer of 2007, HiringSmart was retained to set up their online selection system for Capital Paving, a road building and aggregate production company based in Guelph, Ontario. At the time, the system was implemented as a means of maintaining efficiency and orderliness during a period when the company needed to operate without a Human Resources Manager.
The system was recommended to Capital by Sue Edwards, President of Development by Design.  Sue had been working with Capital Paving on a long-term cultural change process and knew how important proper talent attraction and selection would be to the ongoing growth and success of the organization.  In the near-term, however, the immediate need was to ensure that candidates had a means of applying to the company, being assessed by the organization and being treated respectfully with online communication-- all while there was no specific individual at Capital Paving assigned to handle recruitment and selection. 

Enabled Remote Support for Recruitment & Selection Process

In spite of the owners’ concerns about whether the construction labour market would respond to an online employment system, Capital were willing to give it a try on a “pilot basis”, since they were midway through construction season and the bulk of the hiring for the year had already been conducted.  As a consultant, Sue Edwards was able to support the portal from arms-length and ensure efficient and effective coordination with the relevant hiring managers at Capital Paving.  This enabled the organization to handle the ad hoc recruitment needs for the remainder of the construction season.

It wasn’t long before the clear benefits of the system were evident to the owners, managers and employees themselves.

A big dividend for this client was that even as they asked more than ever before from candidates in terms of time invested in getting hired (remember, they went from a one-step process to a four-step process that required candidates to invest 20-25 minutes in an online interview and the same again later in the process to complete an online assessment of their attitudes towards Integrity, Reliability and Work Ethic), both the number and the quality of candidates they attracted went through the roof.

Here’s a comment from an engineering graduate who was hired through the HiringSmart process and found the approach differentiated Capital Paving’s professionalism, even when compared to larger, more well-known companies in the industry:

Capital Paving’s online interview was the best process I’ve seen of any of the companies who advertised on campus, including the large ones. It was much more interesting and I can see how it would give you better insights into people. I especially enjoyed the question about the funniest thing that happened at work; it brought back a memory that I hadn’t thought about in awhile and I had fun with that. It was a very positive experience.

The above comment was received during the initial telephone interview. This same candidate’s positive experience continued to build through the face-to-face interview where he indicated that he was able to have a richer dialogue than other first interviews he was having with competitive organizations at the time. Many of the basic questions had already been covered online, so the experience with Capital Paving stood out as much more personalized.

The candidate subsequently completed a Step One Survey II and a Profile XT. A full debrief of the Profile XT was built into the attraction and selection process. Sue Edwards, a professional coach and onboarding expert, met with the candidate at pre-offer stage to support the candidate in understanding how he would be apt to “fit” with the culture of the organization, with the job and with the manager based on his own Profile XT responses. The HiringSmart tools enabled a rich conversation that was grounded in the candidate’s own input.

Once the candidate accepted the position at Capital Paving (declining other opportunities), the Profile XT reports formed the basis for an ongoing conversation to support the manager in engaging the new hire based on his unique profile.

Hiring Myth #1

chartMyth #1: I can only afford to hire people who have experience (usually at least 3-5 years,) in this country/industry/job.

Think you have a great plan for this year? Good.

magnifying classUnfortunately, what you think isn't what matters. How well do your employees understand it, how strongly do they support it, and do they know what to do to achieve it? Frankly, the odds are not in ...

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