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Tim Brennan                                                                         Performance & Retention Innovator

Tim Brennan has been called "visonary", "creative" and "energetic." He is known for his ability to inspire organizations to change their hiring process so they can get better results. Chief Visionary Officer and co-founder of Fit First Technologies, a company that has turned the traditional approach to staffing on its head, Tim is passionate about understanding the differences between top and bottom performers. He has a reputation for delivering bold, fresh ideas to executives, managers and human resource professionals on how they can find, hire and keep the right people. With more than 24 years of business, managment and human resources experience, he has worked with some of North America's leading companies. Tim's practical hiring advice has been featured in media across the country, including CBC News, BNN and Canadian Small Business Magazine. A sought after speaker on hiring and retention issues, Tim engages audiences with his unique combination of storytelling, humour and concrete strategies.

For availability and other information contact: or 1-800-513-7277

Rocking the Workplace: 3 Bold, New Hiring Ideas

Have you ever thought of doing a retention interview instead of an exit interview? Why do we care so much about why employees leave when we should be asking why they stay? These are some of the many questions that Tim explores in this dynamic, hands-on session. A wake-up call for business owners, front line managers and HR professionals, Tim will make you think twice about the way you hire. Demonstrating how the current hiring system is broken and how to fix it, Tim draws on more than 25 years of helping organizations get better results with better hiring practices. Learn about 3 game-changing ideas that will revolutionize the way you look at your people and the impact they have on your bottom line results. Discover why fit is the number one predictor of success in a role, how to hire more top performers, and how to look in the right places.

The “F” Factor: What Separates the Best from the Rest?

It is estimated that more than 70% of the population is disengaged in their work at some level, costing businesses millions of dollars each year in lost productivity.*  But most of us do not plan to hire poor performers. So how do we break the cycle? Based on his work with some of North America’s leading organizations, Tim Brennan will show you how to start separating the passengers from the top producers. With brutal honesty, Tim explores where many organizations are getting stuck – and why a “Fit First” approach to hiring increases productivity and revenue. Providing simple, practical steps you can implement as soon as you get back to your office, Tim will share the 4 critical aspects of fit and how to get the best out of your people – whether they are current employees or new hires.

*Gallup and others

Get SalesSmart: Set the Hiring Bar Higher

When Harvard Business Review followed 360,000 salespeople through their sales careers, they uncovered that it was not experience or college degrees that made them top performers. Their success hinged on one thing – fit with the job. In this provocative presentation about how to hire top salespeople, Tim challenges leaders and managers to start measuring what matters. Learn how to assess your sales team for the seven critical sales behaviours and the attitudes that determine success. Discover how you can increase your sales by 20% without spending a cent on new programs or extra marketing, just by increasing the quality of your talent. Tim will show you how easy it is to Hire Smart, so you can make an immediate impact on your organization.

Download the 7 secrets for HiringSmartER
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