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Self-Awareness is a Prerequisite of Solid Leadership

A senior manager announces his decision to move to a competitor and the senior management team convenes an emergency meeting to figure out how the organization will survive. Meanwhile, for the rest of the team, it's party time! The champagne is flowing; everyone's wearing funny hats, blowing noisemakers, and toasting their good fortune. The topic du jour is "With that clown gone, maybe now we can get on with business."

What happened? How can someone so valued by senior management work so badly with the troops on the ground? The reality is most senior managers have no awareness of how they or their fellow managers perceive them throughout their organizations – even at a time when so much is spoken about achievement of corporate goals through team-based efforts. No wonder that more than 70 percent of all people changing jobs are doing so to get away from their bosses. They're not leaving their jobs – they're leaving their managers!

This sort of disaster can happen only in an environment where the performance of management is appraised using traditional boss-down appraisals, with performance of managers assessed only by their direct bosses. This traditional approach means that the views of those who most directly experience the effectiveness (or otherwise) of a manager's performance – peers and direct reports – are never tapped. If your success depends to any extent upon your team, that's just not acceptable any more.

Multi-Rater Feedback

Modern business has rendered the traditional boss-down appraisal extinct, and a more appropriate approach to assessing management competencies and performance has emerged. That new approach is the CheckPoint 360 ° Competency Feedback System .

Every year, more than 250,000 managers worldwide use the CheckPoint 360 ° Competency Feedback System – a system that provides managers and leaders with an opportunity to receive an evaluation of their job performance from the people around them – their boss, their peers (fellow managers), and their direct reports (the people whose work they supervise). From this feedback, managers can compare the opinions of others with their own perceptions, positively identify their strengths, and pinpoint the areas of their job performance that need improvement.

The Profiles Checkpoint process is concerned with a manager's job performance in eight universal leadership and management competencies, subdivided into 18 skill sets:



Task Management

Development of Others




Personal Development

How Does it Work?

Each participant completes an evaluation – a process that takes about 15 minutes. Participants are guaranteed anonymity (except for the boss) and urged to be honest and objective in their responses. Participants complete their feedback via the Internet, or on paper if desired, and results from all participants are compiled in a report that is returned to the manager.

Checkpoint reports have colorful graphs and useful charts, as well as narrative descriptions of the results, to help the manager to read, understand and effectively use the data for self-development. The report has a special personal-growth section that coaches the manager and helps improve performance in development areas.

The Checkpoint report also points participants directly into an online system called Checkpoint SkillBuilder , which takes them through the step-by-step process of developing a comprehensive and personalized development plan. You can read more about the checkpoint system on the Web at or

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