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Hiring Myth #2

Myths Busted

Myth #2: A solid resume and a crisp, focused and well-written cover letter define the best candidate.                                                 

When you consider that most candidates don’t even write their own résumés, and factor in all the statistics around embellishment and outright falsification of information on résumés, it’s hard to believe that we are still accepting these documents as the primary admission ticket for candidates into any credible organization’s hiring pipeline.

When you layer on top of that the realisation that there’s no correlation – none – between what’s in the résumé and how well people will perform or how long they will stay, you have to concede that relying on a résumé to help you find the right candidate gives you about the same odds as buying a lottery ticket. The difference is that getting it wrong costs your business a whole lot more that the buck you spent on the ticket.

Instead, screen first for the things that are predictors of retention and productivity – then look at their background. That’s the Fit First Philosophy… it will power your business to better results and a stronger P&L. 


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