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Recruitment and Hiring Practices are the Second Biggest Threat to Business!

In a survey of 850 executives that forms the research base for 40 STRATEGIES FOR WINNING IN BUSINESS by Bud Haney and Jim Sirbasku, two-thirds said that their organization’s inability to attract and keep the best people is the second biggest threat to their business. The biggest threat is competition.

Wait a minute! If your organization consistently had the ability to attract and keep the best people wouldn’t this give you a competitive edge and at the same time help you solve problem number one?

The only way to compete is with the best people. Here are some proven approaches for hiring and keeping the best:







Human Resources - 'The NEW CEO'?

chartThe Human Resources department is, arguably, the last place most organizations would turn to as a potential source for its top leadership candidate. Yet it is the one department which oversees the org...

Hiring Myth #9

chartMyth #9: Low turnover or no turnover is a good sign we're doing a lot of things very well. Why rock the boat?

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