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Who We Are - The Company

There is a better way to hire the right people.
HiringSmart was born out of necessity, originally created to solve common problems we found in many of the organizations we consulted with:

We changed the game.

We started with a few new rules:

  1. Ditch the résumé. There’s no correlation between the information it contains (even if it is truthful), and how long a person will stay or how productive they’ll be.
  2. Measure what matters. Focus on fit first. Since most companies find themselves hiring for experience and firing for fit… maybe we should change the starting point.
  3. Let the candidate do some of the work. Job boards and other tools have made it too easy for candidates to spam their résumés out to hundreds of companies they’ve probably never heard of and certainly haven’t researched. Stop wasting time on candidates who have no skin in the game!

We’re not for everyone. Are we for you?
From the very beginning, our fastest growth has come from client referrals and introductions (though they usually want to keep us as a secret from their competitors and others in their vertical, which explains our broad base).

Those who like us, like us a lot. They count on us as thought leaders because we get them thinking about conventional problems in unconventional ways. Sometimes, we’re a little cheeky and irreverent… but we seek always to be productively provocative, because that helps their business.

And we’re just a little Wiki. Our product is always evolving; what you see today is the result of literally hundreds of requests, suggestions and ‘what-ifs’ from our clients over the years. You have them to thank for this.

Having said that, please don’t call us if you’re not prepared to try a different approach to solving your problem. You’d be amazed how many people fall into that category… but then again, if you’ve read this far, you’re not likely one of them, are you?

Lean Principles... in HR?

chartMeasuring what matters is vital in human capital management. With a Lean approach that includes quality feedback loops and the measurement of leading indicators, HR can start making better hiring and ...

Human Resources - 'The NEW CEO'?

chartThe Human Resources department is, arguably, the last place most organizations would turn to as a potential source for its top leadership candidate. Yet it is the one department which oversees the org...

Linking Employee Engagement to Customer Loyalty

magnifying classA recent Conference Board Study found that four out of 10 of today's employees feel disconnected from their employers, and a quarter come to work "just for the paycheck." This is a huge risk to busine...

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What makes us different?
Join us for coffee (live presentation)